1. We should not have people living in luxury while others are living in our streets.  Everyone should have adequate housing and access to a well-paying job so they can, at a minimum, be able to pay for their home and have enough left over to live a decent, peaceful life.  This is simply common fucking sense.  The fact that we do not take care of people to this basic level is a testament to our failure as a country.
  2. We should stop allowing our children to be shot in schools.  America has a gun problem.  Good fucking Lord, you have to be insane to not realize this.  So what do we do about it?  We do anything we need to even if it inconveniences us.  That is how we fix the problem.  Stop fucking debating everything except the solution.  If we need to repeal the 2nd Amendment, so be it.  If we ned a National gun registry, so be it.  Stop arguing about stupid shit and actually fix the problem even if it means your rights are restricted.  Honestly, if you don’t, you’re just an ashole.
  3. Marry whomever you like.  Sleep with whomever you like.  Dress however you like, identify however you desire, believe in whatever god or gods you desire, do whaatever you fucking waant to.  What other people do or believe does not affect your life so shut the fuck up.  Do not force your beliefs on anyone else because the only fucking thing we don’t tolerate naymore is bigotry and racism.  Get lost asshole.
  4. We should rewrite the Constitution.  Not amend it.  Trash it and start over.  In fact we should continually rewrite it every 19 years ecaxtly as our founding fathers told us to do.  It’s completely ridiculous that we’re being held hostage by 230+ year old words written by men who thought slavery was ok, women were property and wouldn’t have the faintest idea what an AR15, a Nazi or a Microwave are.
  5. We should remove the electoral college so everyone’s vote actually means something and we don’t keep electing presidents with 5 states holding the rest of the country hostage.
  6. All states should have consistent laws and licensing.  If I am licensed in one state I am licensed in them all.  Fuck the whole state’s rights thing, it’s not working.  The states making the dumbest decisions are the ones living off the Federal Government.  We’re one fucking country, start acting like it.
  7. The rich should pay more in taxes, not less. There should be no bilionaires.  When you reach $999 million you get a trophy and we’ll name something after you.
  8. Banks should not be making millions of dollars off overdraft fees and Insurance companies should not be able to charge you more for bad credit.  This system is exactly what keeps poor people poor and CEOs rich.
  9. All religion should be a private matter and it should have ZERO involvement in government.  All references to religion shall be removed from all currency, official patriotic songs, the pledge of allegiance, any swearing in ceremonies, courtrooms and police vehicles.  Prosletyzing shall be illegal.  Believe what you like and keep it to your fucking self.
  10. All. Christian Churches shall have a warning sign put on all public entrances that clearly displays the fact that 20% of all Child Sexual Abuse in the United States is done at the hands of Christian pastors and you enter at your own risk.
  11. Corporations should be held accountible instead of being protected.
  12. We shouldn’t have 80 year old politicians making laws for a future that they won’t even be around for.
  13. Everyone should have healthcare, a decent job and a home of their own.  The fact that we do not have this in a country as rich as the United States is  an abject failure.  Any nation that cannot provide this for it’s people it’s really much of a nation at all now is it?
  14. We should have term limits and age limits for all politicians and Supreme Court Justices.
  15. Congress should be paid the same salary as an average teacher in their district.
  16. All elected officials must be able to pass the Naturalized Citizenship Test with a score of 90% of better.
  17. Lobbying policians shall be considered treason.
  18. Pharmacuetical and Insurance Companies need to be destroyed and rebuilt so that they actually help Americans instead of getting rich off of them.
  19. No CEO shall ever make more than 50X their lowest paid employee.
  20. We should do whatever it takes to fix our gun problem even if that solution inconveniences us.  Your right to live out your fantasy of taking on government drones with your AR-15 doesn’t supercede the right of children to not be mowed down in schools.
  21. Women shouldn’t have to show a pregnancy test to cross states lines in ourder for white Christian nationalist men to control abortion.
  22. If you’re old enough to serve in the military then you’re old enough to drink a beer.
  23. We shouldn’t allow Nazi’s in the USA. Nor should we allow Zionists.
  24. Free speech should no longer apply to shitbags.  Nazi’s, racists, bigots… sorry…  no longer allowed.
  25. Everyone should get free lunch at school.  Every school district should have the same budget.  All higher education shall be free.  When we educate our people we are investing in our future as a country.
  26. We should stop funding Israel or any foreign country over our own and instead take care of our own people.
  27. We should stop bombing other countries and stop sending moeny and weapons to them and mind our own fucking business.
  28. We should stop choosing between the lesser of the two evils and unite around ethical candidates instead.
  29. We should hold News organizations accountible who continually present false information and manipulate the public.

If you can’t agree with these principles then honestly, you’re not worth talking to.  Time to take our fucking country back.