As many of you know, my son Jake is a U.S. Marine.   We found out some fantastic news recently!  He is being deployed to Sicily but has a month long stop over in… wait for it…. Seville, Spain!  We were super stoked when we found out because we were in the middle of planning our trip to Seville as well as the other great Adulusian cities!

We started out our journey in Granada where we had an epic experience in the Sacromonte Flamenco Caves and then made our way down to the Malaga area the next day.  We drove through so many beautiful beach towns that day (Neerja was the best!) and finally spent a few days in Benmadena before making our way to Seville to meet Jake.  He was ecstatic because they finally were allowed Libo ( ability to leave base) and he got to hang out with us for 2 days.

On the second day we decided to tour the sites of Seville and he brought three Marine buddies along with him.  We had a fantastic time showing the city to the guys and enjoyed Sangria, wine, great tapas and walked miles around the city.   Our favorite place was the beautiful Plaza de Espana and the mind blowing architechure of the Catedral de Sevilla!

It was wonderful seeing my son again of course, but one of the great things was just being around a bunch of Americans again and being able to converse easily in English and talk and joke about American things.  It was a super relaxing day that made us feel like we were at home again!  Enjoy Europe boys!  Semper Fi!



Seville with the Marines!Read the blog here:

♬ original sound Quinn and Rachel