One of the best things about Clapper is that the Development Team has made it a priiority to create ways for Creators to monetize their platforms and one of the most powerful of these is called “Clapper Fam.”  This is basically a built in Patreon functionality that allows you to create support levels, or “Tiers” and charge your followers for specific content.  This is an exreradordinary feature but you want to be very careful that you do not start this too soon or you will miss massive opportunities for monetization.  Here are three reasons why!

Reason Number One

Once you set up your Clapper Fam and make your different Tiers and Features, you push the button to launch it and Clapper then sends a notification out to all of your followers. “Quinn the Eskimo has enacted Clapper Fam!”  Ta Da!  Here’s the issue though…  this only happens one time!  So, allow me to show you wehy it is important to wait.

Imagine that you have 5,000 followers and you fire this benefit up.  5,000 people will get this notification. You charge $5 a month and you end up getting 50 subscribers.  Great, you’re making $250 a month or 20 cents per follower.

But then let’s say you’re learning and growing as a content creator and 3 months later you have 30,000 followers.  25,000 of these people never got the notification and they have no idea you are offering this!  Now, let’s say that you make a measley 10 cents on every follower.  You have lost out on $2500 a month.  However, let’s say you average 25 cents per follower.  You have lost out on over $6,000 per month!

Reason Number Two

Secondly, running Clapper Fam is a lot of work!  You have to bring EXTRA value to these people and continue to motivate them to pay for this every month or they weill drop off.  But, here’s the thing…  you’re going to do the same aount of work whether you are doing it for 1 subscriber or 1000 subscribers.  It is absolutely foolish for you to do all of this work for a very small amount of subscribers and you are going to burn yourself out very quickly.  Most of you have jobs and you’re not full-time content creators.  Clapper is for your “Extra time.”  Do you really want to add one more thing to your plate at this point?

But what if you could make $6,000 a month?  You could literally quit your job and become full time.  Now, this Extra work is YOUR job, and it’s much easier!  If you want to succeed with Clapper Fam then you have to have a plan, work hard at it and build your empire and this takes TIME…. so slow down!

Reason Number Three

Lastly, many of you are simply not ready yet.  You are still developing as Creators and developing your style.  You are coming into your own and you’re excited about this as you should be.  But again, Slow down and let this process work.  Give yourself time to develop who who are a Creator and as a Brand that people would be willing to pay for.  Too many irons in the fire is never good!

Listen, I have iover 70,000 followers currently and I STILL have not enancted my Clapper Fam. But you know what?  I’ve been planning it out for a very long time.  It’s all written down, I’ve meditated on, had other people pick holes in it, rewritten it a dozen times…. I’m preparing… and when I’m ready to launch I wiill come out of the gate with a bang!

So, my best advice is “Slow Down.”  Take your. time and don’t rush this process!  Hope that helps!