Quinn is a world traveler, a speaker, a teacher and a lover of history and people. He’s available for interviews on Podcasts, Television and Radio and will bring a valuable perspective laced with stories of people and places, all with a disarming smile and a passion for humanity. Quinn is also available for select speaking events either in person or on video.
You can contact Quinn via email at quinntheeskimorocks@gmail.com.
Quinn is a full-time digital “slowmad” who has been traveling the world for the last 3 years. He’s lived in 8 different countries and enjoyed meeting new friends, learning about their stories and then bringing them to the world on TikTok. He’s the father of 8 children, plays 11 different instruments and recently completed his first book, “8 Ways to Be Happy.” Quinn’s passion for humanity, his hunger for learning and growth and his simple way of breaking down complex scenarios all with a disarming smile have brought his videos to millions of beautiful humans all over the world. Connect with Quinn on his website at www.quinntheeskimorocks.com