So, it’s been quite a challenge for us to learn how to travel in Europe.  We’re used to having a car and driving everywhere but now that we’re here we are jumping in headfirst with the European way…  public transport.  It’s been a great experience but also difficult sometimes.  In many places you need to take a train, the either hike or take a taxi to the bus station, then get off the bus somewhere else, hike to a Metro train…. you get the point….  Each of these things takes us a lot of time because in addition to the actual travel itself, we have to spend hours figuring out the best way to tackle each leg, figure out how to purchase tickets (usually in another language) and then make sure we’re on the right bus or train.

With all of this in mind, we prepared a trip from our new home in Fuseta, Portugal to the Lisbon and Sintra area and it was literally the easiest and best trip we have ever taken!  Portugal has got this down….

So, we started out with a quick 1.5 km hike from our house down to the Fuseta train station.  This was actually the hardest part of the journey….   We hopped on a train headed for Faro which cost us 3 Euros knowing that we could catch a bus from Faro to Lisbon and then take a Metro from Lisbon to Sintra.  We were dreading it to be honest and were prepared for lots of walking and taxi rides in between legs.

The train to Faro was quick and as we whipped past the Algharve Salt Pans along the Ecovia we saw tons of incredible wildlife and beautiful rural fishing villages.

We jumped off in Faro and started searching for the bus station and we were pumped!  It was literally right next door to the Train Station…. the first time we had experienced that!  When we were in Granada, Spain it was a 12 Euro Taxi ride from the Bus station to the Train station!

The bus ride was awesome as usual.  The busses here are comfortable and best of all they have elctrical outlets and free WiFi in every seat so the 3 hour trip was spent getting some work done!

We arrived at Lisbon’s Oriente station and were again surprised but gleeful…. it was a 2 minute walk to the next leg!

We hopped on the Metro and 25 minutes later we pulled into Sintra!  The entire trip cost us about 35 Euros and we arrived relaxed, happy and ready to explore on the the most romantic paradises in Portugal!

If you’re thinking about going from the Algharve to Lisbon or vice versa then the train/bus combination is the way to go!  Great experience!