Hashtags are a popular feature on many platforms and on most of those they basically work in the same way.  However, Clapper is an entirely different beast for several reasons.

Let’s start with the basics…

  1. Clapper allows you to use up to 5 different hashtags per video.  It stresses that these hashtags should be related to your specific video content and this is absolutely the best advice.
  2.  Clapper does not push videos into the FYP because of hashtags.  Your video absolutely will not have any movement because you wrote #FYP or any other generic, popular hashtag.
  3. Clapper creates the Hashtags that you see on the Homescreen by hitting the Search button.  These are not here because they are popular, they are there because Clapper put them there.  Therefore, these are good ones to use IF you are making related content.  If you’re not, do not use them.
  4. Clapper is still a small platform and there are thousands of simple, powerful hashtags that no one is using yet.
  5. People can search find your content by clicking on the hashtags in your video description or by going to the Home page by the search bar and typing them in.

Here are the Pros and Cons

Like everything else with Clapper, it is hard to automate these hashtags in any fashion and it’s impossible to see how popular they are when you’re making your video.  On other platforms, as you start typing suggestions pop up and you can see how popular these are.  None of this works on Clapper and you just have to manually type your hashtag in and hope for the best.  The only way to see if a hashtag is in use or popular is to go to the search bar and check it before you make your video.

Because of this, I highly advise that you create a list of 10-12 hashtags that you want to use that summarize all the different aspects of you and your content.  Research these first and find ones that are simple and no one (or very few people) are using and then sew them up!   Clapper is literally like the Wild West right now and the potential is amazing because of this.

This is also an amazing way to organize your content since Clapper also doesn’t have Title Screens or Playlists.

HINT:  Use Notepad or something like that to keep a list in of your different hashtag combinations so you can copy and paste into your video description instead of trying to type it out correctly everytime.

Case Study

I’ll use myself as a Case Study and share my plan and results with you.

Step One:

I broke down my content and made a list of everything that I do.  Here’s my list:

  • I am a full-time Digital Nomad who travels the world.
  • I am a musician and songwriter
  • I am always on a Beach somewhere in the world
  • I have a Gypsy Soul
  • I build community and bring happiness
  • I run a large group on Clapper
  • I welcome people and make Clapper Tutorials and also more in depth Content Creator Tutorials
  • I am a wise old Dad with lots of life experience that I share with people by telling stories.
  • I am an Author.  I just released a new book and I blog daily.
  • I launch fun community activities and contests

Step Two:

Next, I generated a list of possible hashtags for my content and checked them out to see if they existed and how competetive they were.

I wanted to use hashtags that will both categorize my different styles of content and will also be something that someone might search for.  Here is my list of Hashtags I have been pushing and my success on that so far.


In have this category sewn up completely.  Anyone searching travel is going to find me.  I started this 3 weeks ago and it built fast.  I now have the top 85 Videos under #Travel.   This is remarkable and impossible to do on any other platform.o




I recently started posting more music and pushing this.  My content is showing on the following hashtags.

#musiciansofclapper (This is my strongest one and 10 of my videos come up first.)

Beach Life

This is already a popular category but I am showing lots of videos on these hashtags:


Tutorials and Teaching

I have this category pretty much totally sewn up.


I use this one for a series that I created called “The Conscious Creator.”


I’ve started to work on these as well and am coevering them fairly well

Community Building

These are the ones I’m working on in this area:


Clapper Groups

These are pretty much sewn up.



Stories and Family

These are broad hashtags that someone would search for and my content is consistently there for them to see.


My Brand

I use these purley as my personal brand hashtags so people can find additional content



What’s Your Plan?

As you move forward with your content and strrive to both categorize it and draw new followers, it is essential to have a plan which includes Knowing yourself, researching hashtags and then working consistently to monopolize them.  Let me know what Hashtags you’re concentrating on, as well as any questions youy have, in the comments!