Here’s the thing people… there are certain things that we tend to say as human beings that are really hurting us. Now, I’m not talking about cursing, swearing, being crude or nasty to other people or any of that. I’m talking about statements that we make that allow us to continue a life of stagnation. Now some of these things are pretty obvious…

  • It’s not my job.
  • It’s not my fault.
  • I couldn’t help it.

These are pretty obviously just excuses for failure. But in my mind there’s one that worse. Why? Because it’s not so obvious. It goes something like this:

  • When the time is right.
  • I’m just waiting for the right time.
  • When it’s supposed to happen.

Oh really? Let me just call you out on that if I may. The time is never right! Nothing will ever fit your model of the perfect time!

The problem is that it is simply an excuse camouflaged as “being responsible.” Horseshit.

Change happens when you make it happen. It happens because you are fed up with your current situation and you become determined to modify it. It’s not rocket science…

So Let’s Talk Religion…

I can hear people already saying, “The right time is when God gives me a sign.”

Listen, I’m a religious God-fearing man.  I believe the Lord has a plan for me and frankly for you also.  However… let’s just be truthful here…

God gave you a brain, a working body, skills, talents and a heart.  He wants you to use those.

My Dad had a phrase he used to use…

“Look toward heaven, but row toward shore.”

When you’re in the Lake of life in your leaky rowboat, sitting there waiting is probably not advisable….

Growth and Change come because you…

  1. Make a decision to change your situation or behavior.
  2. Draw up a plan on how you will do it.
  3. Stick with your plan until you accomplish it.

Change takes hard work, and frankly most of us are a little afraid of that and so we use that excuse…. “When the time is right.”

What are you ready to change this year?  This month?  This week?  Today?  Sound off…