Greetings fellow travelers and Digital Nomads!  My name is Quinn, I’m currently based in Thailand and I need your help!  I am writing a new book which I hope will become the Bible for Digital Nomads and I want to include your stories from the road, as well as your wisdom on how to succeed at this!

If you would like to be featured in the book please take some time and fill out the form below!  Life as a Digtial Nomad is so rewarding, but let’s be honest… it’s tough!  This market is exploding and more and more people want to make the leap and live the life we do.  If you’ve got a heart for helping and inspiring other people then I would like to invite you to contribute to my book!

Here’s the fine print…

I can’t promise I am going to use every story or quote or idea.  I plan on using these stories and the wisdom you share selectively througout the different chapters to do this and I’ll select those that truly flesh out the books topics and help paint an authentic picture of this lifestyle for the reader.  However, I am also going to include an appendix in the back and I will feature as many of you as I can in that section!

Please also keep in mind that the better you write, the less I have to rewrite and edit and so I am more likely to use your submission if you put some work into it.   It also needs to flow with my style (for better or worse) and so I encourage you to go and read the draft of the first couple of chapters.  You can do that here.

Below is a rough outline of the different topics covered in the book!

Part One: Manifest Your Future

  • Dream Big and Paint the Picture of Your Life
  • Identify Roadblocks, Create Solutions
  • Develop your Philosophy of Travel
  • Be a Good Boss! You’re a business owner now…

Part Two: How to Make it All Happen

  • Making Money as a Digital Nomad
  • The ABC’s of Reducing Your Expenses
  • Finding Housing
  • Planes, Trains and Automobiles- Decoding your travel options
  • Picking a Place to Live
  • Travel Kit Recommendations
  • Phones and Internet
  • Understanding Visas
  • Languages and Communication
  • Health Insurance
  • Represent your home country well
  • From the Road: Advice from current Digital Nomads
  • Suggested Resources: Apps, Websites, Books, Communities, etc

If you would like to participate please fill out the form below!