We’ve recently arrived in Cape Town after spending 2 months in Mpumlanga and we love it here!  All of our friends from Sabie raved about the Cape and now we know why!  We’ll be here for a month and situated in wonderful Bo Kaap where we lucked out with our AIRbnb!  We have an amazingly cute patio with a huge dining area and so we thought…  let’s invite some people over and have a Pot Luck Dinner!

There’s nothing like getting to know people and their culture like sharing a family meal and in America we use the term Pot Luck Dinner for an event where everyone brings their favorite dish and we all eat together over some music, conversation and laughter.  We would absolutely love if some of our new neighbors would join us and share a wonderful night with us!  Quinn loves to cook and will have some food prepared as well as a Braii going!  Maybe we’ll even have a BBQ vs Braii battle!  Join us and let’s get to know each other!

Also, if you’re a Content Creator bring your gear and we will make some videos together or stream live!

We will schedule these dinners as we get people responding below as we can really only fit about 6-7 people at once.

We really hope that you will reach out and join us!  We would love to get to meet our new neighbors and really get to know the true Cape Town by hanging out with YOU!

If you’re interested in joining us here’s how it works!

  1. Sign up below!
  2. We’ll email you the details!
  3. Bring your favorite dish or a drink to share!
  4. If you have a musicial instrument or something elese to share then bring that too!


Forewarning: We both smoke tobacco, Quinn smokes pot and we both drink alcohol, cuss from time to time and can be somewhat irreverant.  You’re welcome to do all, some or none of those if you still see fit to join us!  Much love!

This is a place of peace.  Mixed groups of strangers can be difficult.  Come with an open heart, be truthful and transparent and above all love and respect everyone present.  All are welcome.  Well, except people who don’t like Bob Marley.  Everyone else though!

What are you waiting for?  Let’s get this Vibe going!