For the past 4-5 years I have been pondering if I wanted to pursue my Physical Therapy path. After 20 + years of practicing, I had somehow become bored despite changing environments. My soul seemed to be stagnant . How was I going to change that?

I spent several hours researching the possibility of going back to college and earning my Doctoral degree. However, did I really want to spend another $250,000 continuing my education so that I would somehow earn the clout of my colleges? Was it worth it ? How would I ever be able to pay it all off? Would I really be happy just advancing my career with another degree? Could I even complete with these youngsters/ the millenials? These were all questions that I continually asked myself.

At one point, I even thought perhaps I could study abroad to earn my Doctoral degree for a fraction of the cost. I could move half way across the world and do that. I knew I could. As scary as it sounded, I wanted to LEARN new techniques and as silly as it sounds, I wanted the respect I deserved.

Now that we are traveling and I have done additional research, most countries don’t even offer a Physical Therapy, or Physiotherapy, as they refer to it as, degree at that advanced level. What’s next, I wondered? What was I truly searching for and what were my other options? Maybe some special training in a more holistic realm, or maybe something in a completely different field?  I wasn’t sure about anything anymore. I just knew that I did not want to return to my past career. I was burned out. Decisions, decisions.

I needed to be honest with myself and realize times are not what they used to be. One simply does not work for 30 years, get that gold watch, and retire on a great pension. Life is different now. Most who work , continue in the same field because that is what they know how to do. Whether they enjoy their work or not doesn’t seem to matter much. You work in order to survive. Some even work way up into their 70’s. Do I want to be one of those people who work so hard that they never get to truly enjoy life? Perhaps this is what a mid-life crisis is all about. But instead of getting divorced or buying that fancy sports car, I have decided to change career paths. Truthfully it is scary. I had experienced great comfort and confidence while working and yet somehow now, I felt insecure.

I am sure this is quite normal, but it is definatly  “un-chartered territory”  and has thrown my mentality for a loop. Growth is always difficult, mentally and physically. But, I was worth it, and that’s what life is and has always been about. I had just never made inner growth a priority in my life. Why it took me nearly 50 years to realize this I will never know, but now was the time.  I needed to find a career that encouraged me on this current path of finding inner peace/ chi/  mo-jo. My new goal was to  incorporate this outlook not only in my personal life, but in my professional  life as well.

As we  became full-time content creators, we agreed that I would continue to search for something that spoke to my soul.  Within 3 short months, I stumbled across BSR- Body Stress Release.  This technique was developed here in South Africa, by two Chiropractors. Two educated, health care providers that realized that sometimes traditional medicine does not always work. I was INTERESTED!!

Within a few days, I had my first appointment  with a lovely woman named Janine Knox. She performed a short past medical history and inquired about my current symptoms. Janine was very soft spoken, well educated, and had also chosen this as a second career. She explained the technique and basis of practice, and began the treatment.

It was amazing!! She was so gentle, yet effective with her hands and little wooden tools moving along my spine and nerve roots. The session was relaxing and I felt  something  happening inside my body . What it was I wasn’t sure. But it was something different than I had ever experienced. By the second session, I began to feel the small wooden tools vibrating…. very strange. By my third session,my headaches stopped and my overwhelming fatigue was completed gone.

I had to learn more about this!!  I began reading articles and books regarding BSR and contacted the university where it is taught. I discovered only two schools teach this, one in South Africa and one in England. The basis for these techniques made perfect anatomical sense. This practice was designed to address not only mechanic stress, but mental and chemical stress on the body? Why was I never taught such things in America ?? This was exactly what I had been looking for…something relative to my previous experience, but different. I knew the human body, but had never been able to address the energies that surrounded it. I was now able to comprehend what I had always felt when putting my hands on various patients. I began thinking about those rare patients that I was not able to fix and that diagnostic testing showed no evidence to support their symptoms. My horizons expanded. This could be something that allowed me to work part-time, have the personal time I now needed to grow, AND heal others. All this could be done without approval of insurance companies and without corporate interventions. Perfect. I could be my own boss, set my own schedules, and set my own fees. Win, win in my book.

I was actually HERE in South Africa! Why not apply? What did I have to lose?

Without hesitation, I  applied to the university. I was excited for the first time in a very  long time. That meant something. Despite the insecurities creeping in of…. Will I be accepted? Am I worthy?  Could I manage the classes after not attending college for so many years?  They accept only a few students every year… What makes me special? All these silly fears continue inside my head.

All I could do was reassure myself daily that I have made a big step in simply applying for the program and that I am happy that I have found something that stirs curiosity within. Whether I get accepted or not, I am proud of myself for putting myself out there. For being brave and “taking the leap.” I  believe in my heart and in my head that “If it is meant to be, then it will be.”   If it is not , then I will simply continue to keep searching. I can do that. Time is on my side and there is still a great big world out there that we have not traveled to.

Update: After applying one week ago, I have received 2 emails from the university in return and have been invited for an online interview next week!! EXCITING!!  Wish me luck, or good fortune, and whatever you may call it.