The first night that we stayed at the NYAH Key West was incredible.   We had a horrible time camping and decided to spend a lot of money on a posh AirBnb in Key West and we chose NYAH.  That night we made social media videos praising this place which reached over 25,000 views and had hundreds of comments.  In these videos we highly recommended this place, gave out the AirBnb link to our followers and many expressed an interest in booking this place.

Unfortunately, our beautiful stay was completely ruined the next day and has been a nightmare since.  We absolutely leaving bad reviews and always try and work with people, but this company is just hideous and their customer service is despicable.  We would like to make a heartfelt apology for reccomending this place and this company and the lesson learned is to not publish any videos until we have completed a satisfactory stay.

On our first night there we met some young filmakers in the courtyard and we thought they were cool.  The next morning I was sitting outside and witnessed an encounter with Mike, the manager of the hotel and Jake, one of the filmakers staying at the hotel.  I didn’t know what they were talking about but within minutes the hotel manager was animated and started screaming and yelling at the guest.  The guest was shocked and tried to be nice but the manager just berated him incessently.  I was shocked and could not believe that a hotel employee would ever treat a customer that way!

A few minutes after that the young man came near me and sat down, visibly shaken and almost in tears.  I went over to him and comforted him.  He was kind of in shock and told me that he just couldn’t believe that this man had attacked him!  Just then Mike, the manager started walking back into the courtyard, saw us and approached Jake.  He again started yelling at him angrily.  Jake was very polite and Mike just abused him.  I stepped in and said, “I am a paying guest of this hotel and I am absolutely appalled by your behavior toward this man!  Employees should never speak like this under any circumstance!”  He glared at me and said sarcastically, “Oh, I’m so sorry to have hurt your feelings sir.”    I told him, “You need to walk away and cool down.”

He started interrogating me, asking me my name, which room I was in and accussing me of being in this other guest Jake’s party.   I said, “Listen guy, I am a paying guest, I just met this man and you are abusing us both.  You need to walk away now and realize I will be repaorting your behavior.”  He responded, “Ok, whatever” and then finally left.

I reported this to the AirBnb contact I had booked the room through, Rayluca.  She apologized and said she was looking into it.  Several days passed and then she came back and said that she had spoken with Mike and this was just a misunderstanding between Mike and the other guest.  I replied, “No, this was your manager abusing another guest and then abusing me.  This ruined our stay and I expect my hard earned money to be returned.

Throughout this process I attempted to be kind to Rayluca and state that her employee abused us and I wanted my money back.  I had no desire to leave a bad review but that if this didn’t happen then I would be forced to do so.  She continued to say that things never happened that way.  I even went so far as to track down the other guest and get a statement and send it to her.

Listen, every company makes mistakes and every company has employees that mess up. But when you do you need to apologize, make up for it to your customers and be better the next time.  Stay away from this place.